Milestone of Our Success
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- Milestone of Our Success

1948Shori Lal Seth as Rajkamal Electric Press after partition of India had a humble beginning in Delhi.(We started at Old SubziMandi with a small hand typesetting and two letterpress and two treadles for Job work. MughliGhutti 555 was our major customer and biggest financial support in growth of family business also print Books for NaiSadakChawri Bazar. One of the first customer being MughliGhutti 555- Cardboxes)
1977Bhuvnesh joined Family Business.(Bhuvnesh was pre disposed to joining business and never a studious kind. Prior to that his brothers Ramesh, Lalit and Vinod were already in family business. Being the entrepreneur of true sense he was of the opinion to replace two cylinders with semi automatic cylinder machines and his father was reluctant to invest and take loan. Finally we purchased one second hand Manugraph OM II cylinder machine)His first job- Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry by R K Bansal was from Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company.(His first job was from Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Production executive Mohinder Singh Sejwal who was his college class mate for typesetting and print 80 pages book of Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry by R K Bansal. Rajiv Beri editor and Sejwal were so much impressed with error free typesetting and printing. This laid to foundation to attain number one position for decades in Tata McGraw Hill. Also at this point our BauJi got confidence in his sons and agreed to expand our letter Press with two Manugraph PO36. Keeping pace we entered into developing offset technology with small Dominant 714. Over a period of time our investment in state of art technology and quality earned us a good name with domestic and international publishers’ joint ventures like Foundation Books A subsidiary of Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Macmillan India Limited, Wiley Eastern Ltd, VIVA Books etc.)
1996Business Growth and two Separate Entities were created.(With Growth of business and family and acute shortage of space, Business was partitioned into two entities. We moved to Narela and started Replika Press Pvt Limited 100% EOU in 1996.)Replika came in ExistenceFirst Export order from Hodder of 40 titles with split deliveries to UK and India(Fortunately at this juncture Mr Vinod Vashishtha Director VIVA Books introduced Bhuvnesh to Iain McWilliams Production Director Hodder Arnold and was lucky to have another break through for his new venture. He was very much impressed with our quality and infrastructure. Replika was lucky to fetch first export order from him to print 40 titles with split deliveries to UK and India. Eventually it became Hodder Education a division of Hachette Group and Replika’s top overseas clients for the past two decades)
2003Started attending book fairs and Bhuvnesh met John Strange Group Production Director Blackwell Science Oxford in London Book Fair. Our real export growth was in Year 2004 to 2006. We printed record 682 titles for Blackwell Science for academic and medical for exports. This translates three titles a day.To add momentum and support to on going success his two sons Sanandan and Vikaran and his uncle J R Seth joined business.
2007Blackwell was taken over by Wiley and no order received in 2007 resulting in 30% loss of export business.By good will and hard work Still Replika grew export sale by 20%Replika’s goodwill into export market resulted in getting very good international customers from Australia, Czech Republic, Europe, New Zealand, Russia, UK and US.
2008Expanded its infrastructure from pre press to printing and Binding with the latest, youngest and best online system of all kinds of Binding.(While visiting book fairs at London and Frankfurt Bhuvnesh realized the immense scope of improvement for Hard Bound Books so we decided to invest in post press and installed modern online binding machines)Replika’s expanded the working space by investing into land and factory plots were acquired in close vicinity, totaling 11 acres of land with covered area of six hundred thousand square feet.
2014Replika’s expanded the working space by investing into land and factory plots were acquired in close vicinity, totaling 11 acres of land with covered area of six hundred thousand square feet.(We have 3 state of art facilities equipped with world class facilities in close proximity to each other)
2016Ventured in Packaging and started manufacturing Rigid Boxes for Sweets, Perfumes and Mobiles for customers like Oppo, Vivo and Comio. We have a current capacity to produce 1,00,000 rigid boxes / day.
2018Expansion in Packaging for giving one stop packaging solution to the customers for Rigid box, Mono cartons and corrugated box.

Journey to Growth is continuing...